Education in Communicology

The educational program is designed as an intensive training program consisting of:

Utdannelse i Kommunikologi

The training is made up of a variety of pedagogical frames of activity, e.g. lectures, demonstrations, filtering (recognition), supervised training, exchange of experiences, reflection concerning implications, transferring and translating knowledge/competence.

The organization of the material, as well as exact sequencing and proportioning of pedagogical frames of activity, are main conditions for efficient learning and high level of competence.

In addition, the program is designed to create a continuous process of self-development, cooperation training and management training.

At the Advanced Level/Meta Level, self-evaluation is implemented as a continuous process. A student on this level must meet high standards of excellence concerning both practical decisiveness, comprehension, and personal integrity.

The educational program is available to "anybody" - i.e. people with a wide variety of backgrounds, education and professional experience. It may be carried through as a basic training, as post-graduate studies for students with an academic background, and as higher education for those with other backgrounds.

Average completion time: 1 year per level 
All completed levels (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced) are documented with a certificate.

Interdisciplinary Meta Competence ©©

The program gives up-to-date competence in interdisciplinary concise comprehended materials - the result of decades of subject-development/research within a range of subjects and fields: educational science, counseling, health, therapy, negotiation, cooperation, management, etc.

The education provides the competence that enables the student to:

The Interdisciplinary Meta Disciplin Communicology represents subject development in the form of summarizing vast volumes of information and knowledge. 

The education provides portable and useable competence.

See program